

Mad Agatha’s silver ladle (50gp)


Ancient ornate box (100gp)


  • Gold gem encrusted bracelets 2x300gp
  • Fish bones
  • Fish bone dice and playing pieces (value)

Three golden sacrificial bowls (20gp each)


Cleric magic bracelet ()

Carvings of stars, requires attunement, is unusually heavy unless on cleric, when worn +1 to hit, +1 DMG +2 DMG to undead, yellow sparks fly off bludgeoning weapon.

Glows when used with Jan's hammer

Tenelia's Temple Library Scrolls (-)

In Elvish: A series of chants in an old version of Common, songs to Tenelia and Eldor (Elves will be very moved to hear)

In Common: This parchment is more weathered and worse quality than the others. It is the deeds from the town of Saltmarsh dated 1150 dedicating the caves of the daemons to be sanctified by the Guardians of Tenelia's Relics.

In Common: Another legal document dated 1300 authorising the "Uwse of Arkroot in the detroy'ng completeth of the demonic caves for the contining useth of the righteous priests of Tenelia"
